Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips.
Hair looks like PH much? So gross. Had some family gathering at my place on saturday. Too bad dewdora couldn't make it (btw good luck for your Os you chicken HAHA) And remember I said sth about PAHRS some time back? I am going to have it done on monday HEHEH so excited plus the best part is I am getting it done for free (thanks to baby, not meaning that he's paying for it, cus he had connections so it's FOC)!!! Okay I guess 99% of the people who are reading this won't know what the hell I am talking about because you don't know what PAHRS stands for but it's okay.....
BTW, Happy 17th birthday Stella yo! Funny how your birthday coincides with 911, thats the way I remember it too HAHA.
Seoul Garden sucks, which smart ass suggested to have our dinner there?! Slap yourself X1000. Really. And yes, we went to the zoo today even though it was pouring like nobody's business. The funniest thing was we bought raincoats to shelter ourselves from the rain instead of using the umbrella we brought from home. The last time I remember myself wearing a raincoat was........... when I was in primary school HAHAHA. Ok whatever I am so tired I really need my sleep now so BYE.